
Upcoming Webinars

Past Webinars

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  • May 23, 2024
    Centering Disability in the Design and Implementation of Cycling Infrastructure

    Provide insight, using contemporary thinking about disability, into current limitations and possibilities with bikeway design.

  • April 25, 2024
    E.R.A.S.E. – Innovative Police and Municipal Strategy for Dealing with Car Meets

    Educate partner Road Safety Professionals regarding police enforcement laws, technology, and innovative techniques related to car meets, street racing, concerning driving behaviours, and modified vehicles.

  • March 27, 2024
    Understanding Mandatory Alcohol Screening

    The webinar will commence with an overview of Mandatory Alcohol Screening (MAS), including its rationale, purpose, and operation…

  • March 1, 2024
    Comparison of the number of pedestrian and cyclist injuries captured in police data compared with health service utilisation data in Toronto, Canada 2016– 2021

    This webinar will present the results of a study attempting to compare the number of police-reported collisions with emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalisations in Toronto, Canada.

  • January 31, 2024
    Hearing from Police Leaders: Perspectives on surveying police personnel about traffic enforcement attitudes and behaviours

    This webinar provides insights from one-on-one interviews conducted with Ontario police leaders (i.e. police chiefs and sergeants) who work in traffic enforcement.

  • December 18, 2023
    Building CapaCITY/É for Sustainable Transportation

    This webinar introduces CapaCITY/É, a six year research program working with municipal staff and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) across Canada and Australia to understand factors related to the scaling up and scaling out of sustainable transportation projects across different city contexts.

  • November 23, 2023
    Ottawa Motorcycle Safety Strategy

    In this webinar, we will explore Ottawa’s Motorcycle Safety Strategy, prepared to enhance motorcycle safety as part of their 2020-2024 Road Safety Action Plan.

  • October 12, 2023
    Quelles technologies rendront ma conduite plus sécuritaire ?

    Les constructeurs automobiles déploient diverses technologies de sécurité actives et passives afin d’améliorer la sécurité des conducteurs.

  • October 12, 2023
    Which technologies will make my driving safer?

    Automakers are deploying various active and passive safety technologies to improve driver safety.

  • May 17, 2023
    Road Safety in Canada: Latest Trends, Plus the CARSP Annual General Meeting

    Road safety issues in Canada continues to generate public and media interest. In view of this interest and in recognition of various initiatives including the end of the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 and the ongoing Road Safety Strategy 2025, Transport Canada published a report with the goal of showing the progress Canada has made in reducing road fatalities and injuries from 2011 to 2020.

  • April 25, 2023
    Global road safety actions 2023: What you need to know

    Presented by Parachute and CARSP, this free webinar builds upon the previous webinar and provide an update on the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, along with tools coming out of the eighth global meeting of NGOs advocating for road safety and road victims that took place March 6 to 10, 2023 in El Salvador. We also shared turnkey social media messages and printable creative tools for all road safety partners to use for the upcoming UN Global Road Safety Week, running May 15 to 21, 2023, which calls on policy makers to #RethinkMobility to make walking, cycling and public transport safe and convenient so that people can make the shift to active, sustainable mobility.

  • April 19, 2023
    FREE WEBINAR: The Road to Transportation Equity: Early Findings from Municipal Policies and Actions PLUS Update on ITE Canada/CARSP Conference 2023

    Many Canadian municipalities are establishing policies to confront inequities persisting from historical approaches to community and city planning. At the same time, governments are continuing to invest in building transportation systems that aim to be safer and more sustainable in the face of climate change and other mobility challenges. What can be learned from the evolution of equity policies in Canadian municipalities to date, and how can equity principles be applied on the ground to ensure that our road safety efforts benefit those who need them most?

  • March 30, 2023
    Using Cannabis-Impaired Driving Research to Inform Policy Decisions

    The legal framework for recreational and medical cannabis has shifted in the last decade in many countries around the world, and still others are considering making this move. This trend has brought more urgency to the issue of cannabis-impaired driving. The science surrounding this issue is complex and studies are not easily compared nor interpreted.

  • February 23, 2023
    Patterns and Changes in Risk of Motor Vehicle Casualties before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic

    This webinar will provide an introduction and a very brief review of international findings on motor vehicle casualties (MVCs). It will also discuss the time series of Ontario MVCs by age group, severity, and type of collision from 2010-2022, focusing on COVID pandemic lockdowns that occurred in 2020-2022.

  • January 18, 2023
    Measuring the Impact of Drug-Impaired Driving: Recommendations for National Indicators

    Shawna will be presenting recommendations for national indicators to better measure the prevalence, impact, and reduction of drug-impaired driving (DID). The indicators are based on recommendations from experts in DID across Canada and a DID Advisory Committee.

  • December 15, 2022
    Designing Safe Systems: Vision Zero from Policy to Practice

    This presentation will follow the elements of the design process from data gathering to planning, traffic engineering to enforcement, and detail specific measures and actions that each stakeholder can implement to transform Vision Zero policies into results.

  • November 16, 2022
    What’s New at CARSP: Website Launch and Engagement Event!

    CARSP Invites all road safety professionals to learn more about our association! This fun, interactive virtual event is geared to both current members and those considering membership. If you are already a member, see what new things we are offering.

  • October 18, 2022
    Biker Down - Empowering Motorcyclists to Save Another Biker’s Life

    Steve Reed and Jim Sanderson will present the genesis of the idea for Biker Down in the UK and how it progressed to become a national safety program adopted by UK Fire and Rescue, UK police and more.

  • September 28, 2022
    Modern Motor Vehicle Data - The How, Who, What, Where, & Why?

    This webinar will cover three learning objectives. First, it will review information that is both recorded and communicated wirelessly on modern vehicles. Second, the webinar will review the ownership of this information, how this information is accessed, who can access it and how it can be deleted. Third, this webinar will review the utility of this information, how it can be used to reconstruct event circumstances and the importance of doing so.

  • May 25, 2022
    Road Safety Network Screening: Lessons Learned + CARSP Annual General Meeting

    The presentation will include the purpose of road safety network screening and why it is important to the follow-up city-wide in-service safety review study. Based on various completed studies and research materials, the different ways to complete the network screening study (development of decision tree, identification of selection criteria, and presentation of the study outcomes) will also be discussed.

  • April 12, 2022
    Taking Action: The Global Plan for the New Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030

    The Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP)  and Parachute Vision Zero present:

    Taking Action: The Global Plan for the New Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030

    April 12, 2022
    1pm to 2pm ET

    This free webinar will provide an overview of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, share the regional call to action for Canada and discuss next steps. We will also share information about the upcoming #CommitToAct 2022 campaign, running from May 16 to 20, and discuss the role NGOs, local government and other stakeholders can play to encourage their government leaders to make specific, meaningful commitments to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries.
    Brenda Suggett, Executive Director, CARSP
    Raheem Dilgir, President, CARSP
    Valerie Smith, Director, Programs, Parachute

  • February 28, 2022
    Tools and strategies for educating the public about autonomous vehicles

    The webinar will share information about new educational tools and initiatives in Canada. It will highlight the importance of public engagement regarding automated vehicle technology and discuss educational approaches to raise the level of public understanding of AVs in Canada. It will also share free educational resources with participants.

  • January 18, 2022
    The Ethics of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs)

    In 2020, the European Commission published recommendations from an expert group (of which I was a member) on the ethics of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs). One of the recommendations considered whether and how CAVs should be allowed to break the rules of the roads in the interests of safety. Further work explored expectations around the behaviour of CAVs in relation to rule compliance and how to resolve the challenge of enabling CAVs to show discretion in the way human drivers (sometimes) do. My presentation describes this work setting up discussion on how regulators should engage with CAV developers to optimise CAV behaviour.

  • December 15, 2021
    The Urban School Transition and Fostering Safe Multimodal Relationships with Students

    Density growth in existing and new communities has created a need to re-evaluate the traditional school design toward one that can accommodate various modes of mobility to enhance safety.

  • November 24, 2021
    The Global Plan for the New Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030: What You Need to Know

    The Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 has been proclaimed by a UN General Assembly Resolution with a target to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries by 50 per cent by 2030, recognizing the gravity of this global issue.

    The Decade of Action is underpinned by the Global Plan, launched Oct. 28, 2021, which aims to inspire and guide national and local government, as well other stakeholders who can influence road safety. Those include civil society, academia, the private sector, donors, community and youth leaders, and other stakeholders as they develop supporting national and local action plans and targets. Through advocating for the Safe System Approach and providing recommendations based on best practices and research, the plan is an important resource both within Canada and abroad.

    The webinar will provide an overview of the Global Plan, including three parts of road safety action: what to do, how to do it and who does it. Panelists will also discuss how road safety needs to be integrated into other policy agendas such as climate action and equity, to increase its reach and influence. The webinar will also refer to Canada’s Road Safety Strategy 2025.

    Brenda Suggett, Executive Director, CARSP

    Raheem Dilgir, President, CARSP
    Valerie Smith, Director, Programs, Parachute

  • October 26, 2021
    Parachute Canada – The Cost of Injury in Canada 2021 and Vision Zero Work Across Canada

    In 2018, motor vehicle injuries stole the lives of 17,475 Canadians, including 1,759 transport-related deaths, according to Parachute’s “The Cost of Injury in Canada 2021” report. Parachute staff will speak to the report and how it can influence the work we are collectively doing on road safety. Additionally, Parachute will provide an overview of the work being done across the country on Vision Zero highlighting specific municipalities experiences with a focus on challenges and opportunities.

  • September 28, 2021
    Vision Zero and 2+1 Roads

    In this webinar, Matts-Åke Belin will discuss the evolution and philosophy of Vision Zero, the innovative road safety policy first established in Sweden. He will also discuss some of the most successful components of Vision Zero, including 2+1 roads while also discussing the challenges and future direction of Vision Zero.

  • CARSP offers, for its members, free monthly webinars on a variety of topics focused on safety in transportation. If you miss a webinar, no problem, recordings will be posted here as well. You must log in to view the most recent webinar. Keep checking back for more webinars on other important road safety topic. Please note, you need to log in before registering for this event. If you have forgotten your username and/or password, please click here: https://carsp.ca/wp-login.php
  • Not a CARSP member? You have two options for viewing the webinar. You can pay a one-time $50 fee to watch the live webinar, plus have immediate access to the webinar recording once it is posted. To take advantage of this option, check the applicable box on the registration form. The second option is to join CARSP! It’s inexpensive ($125 per year), and membership is instantaneous when paying by PayPal/credit card (cheque option is also available). Simply join here: https://carsp.ca/en/membership/membership-options/