Driver characteristics involved in child and youth pedestrian motor-vehicle collisions (PMVC) and the built environment – a case control study
Fridman, Pitt, Rothman, Howard, Hagel
Cloutier, Ling, Desrosiers-Gaudette, Hubka, Howard, Macpherson, Fuselli, Winters, Hagel
Rothman, Ling, Desrosiers-Gaudette, Hubka, Howard, Fuselli, Cloutier, Winters, Hagel, Macpherson
Rothman, Macarthur, Wilton, Howard, Macpherson
Walk Your Child to School Today is a programme that aims to get children to walk to and from school while accompanied by adults. Young children have limited capabilities to judge the speed and distance of traffic and may not…
School bus transportation is incredibly safe, but does that mean seat belts are not necessary on school buses? Dr. Alan German, Chief of Collision Investigations in the Road Safety Directorate at Transport Canada, led a discussion surrounding seat belts and…
Transport Canada has conducted extensive tests on side air bags with child crash test dummies. While testing is still ongoing, two main conclusions stand out: Children who are leaning against a side air bag when it inflates are at risk…
Many communities offer free car seat inspections to assist parents and caregivers on the proper installation of child restraints. To find out about these services in your community, please contact: Transport Canada.