Advanced Vehicle Safety Systems

Schematic of an automobile dashboard showing various automated safety systems


This web section aims to create a scientific initiative for dissemination and monitoring of active and passive road safety technologies that are in levels 1 and 2 of the spectrum proposed by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). The main purpose of this application is to provide a framework for identifying and documenting technologies in order to allow more informed discussions about security surrounding these technologies.

The initiative is aimed at the general public with the intent of initiating talks with road safety professionals who follow up on these technologies. For this purpose, the material would be constantly updated and organized in a bilingual manner (English and French) on the CARSP website.


This project has received funding from the du Ministère des Transports et Mobilité durable of Québec as part of its Road Safety Fund financial assistance program for the project “Creation of a scientific watch on active and passive safety technologies for road safety professionals” (“Création d’une veille scientifique sur les technologies de sécurité actives et passives pour les professionnels en sécurité routière”) in collaboration with CARSP and the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (UQAC).

Technologies Presented

For all the technologies presented in this section of the website, some names are common nomenclature in the car industries or trademarks from car manufacturers.

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