2021 CARSP/PRI Joint Virtual Conference

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Vulnerable road user collisions and the built and social environment across Canadian Cities. The Child Active-transportation Safety and the Environment (CHASE) Study

Schwartz, Rothman, El Amiri, Cloutier, Hagel, Macarthur, Nettel-Aguirre, Winters, Macpherson, Fuselli, Howard
Student Poster Competition: 1st Place


An investigation of the built environment risk factors related to specific mechanisms of injury between children and adolescents in three Canadian Cities.

Aucoin, Hou, HubkaRao, Pitt, Zanotto, Ling, Doan, Beno, Stang, Howard, McCormack, Nettel-Aguirre, Teschke, Winters, Hagel


Active School Transportation and the Built Environment across Canadian Cities: Findings from the Child Active Transportation Safety and the Environment (CHASE) Study

Rothman, Hagel, Nettel-Aguirre, Cloutier, McCormack, Howard, Macpherson, Fuselli, Ling, Buliung, HubkaRao, Zanotto, Rancourt, Winters


(Français) Les défis que pose la mise en œuvre d’une base de données SIG en transport actif et sécurité routière à l’échelle de quatre régions métropolitaines canadiennes

Rancourt, Cloutier