Distracted Driving in Ontario
Di Felice
Savoie, Bouchard, Voyer, Lavallière
Student Poster Competition: 2nd Place
Because of their age and inexperience, young and novice drivers are more likely to be involved in fatal collisions. Prevalence: According to Transport Canada, the fatal collision rate per 100,000 licensed drivers aged 16-19 was 6.5 in 2021, an increase…
The effects of psychodynamic drugs such as cannabis, amphetamine, cocaine, and anti-depressants on driving vary by drug. They generally result in slower reaction time, failure to identify danger, poor decision-making, and falling asleep at the wheel. (For more information see:…
Student Paper Competition: 3rd Place
Transport Canada’s Motor Vehicle Safety Directorate works with industry and government partners to make Canada’s roads the safest in the world. Governed by the Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Act and the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, we propose, apply and enforce…
If you own a vehicle, you know how important it is to keep it in good repair. You want your vehicle to be as safe to drive now as it was when it was new. But what if “good as…