
ITE Canada Update

In addition to the 2023 Joint Conference co-hosted by ITE Canada and CARSP, in Winnipeg, in June, the two professional organizations officially formed a partnership agreement to find mutual benefits for their respective members. More information about this agreement and highlights from our Joint Conference can be found in the Summer 2023 edition of Transportation Talk at bit.ly/TTSummer23

ITE Canada is engaged in many road safety initiatives through the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) which includes participation in a Road Safety Panel and through appointees to various TAC Technical Councils and Committees, many of whom attended the recent TAC Annual Conference in Ottawa. Most notably, ITE Canada partnered with TAC to develop and offer Road Safety for Canadian Practitioners, the most in-depth online training program for road safety engineering in North America. More information about this program can be found at https://www.tac-atc.ca/en/events-and-learning/online-training. ITE Canada is also a funding partner for several of TAC's technical projects, including the Road Safety Guide for Canada

ITE Canada has announced our 2024 Annual Conference that will take place in Hamilton, Ontario on June 9th to 12th. All are invited to submit abstracts to the Call for Abstracts closing on November 2nd, 2023. The conference theme is Disruptive Progress: The Path to Safer, Cleaner and More Equitable Transportation. Road safety is one of the highlighted topics for which we are seeking submissions. All our conference information can be found at conference.itecanada.org. This program will be led by our newly established National Technical Program Committee (NTPC) chaired by Paula Sawicki.

We encourage you to keep up with the many ITE publications providing guidance and synthesizing research on many road safety-related topics such as the new Decorative Crosswalk Case Study – ITE Information Report. ITE Bookstore products are available to all and offered at a discounted rate for ITE members. Find a link to the bookstore and more at itecanada.org/resource-library

Finally, we invite you to get involved with an ITE Section in your region to get connected with local transportation professionals. Find ITE near you at itecanada.org/sections

Keep up to date with ITE Canada's latest news, including upcoming training sessions on Multimodal Traffic Signal Operations and Accessibility in Transportation Systems, at itecanada.org and @itecanada on social media.